Digital Marketing Case Study: Norgesbooking Grow Direct Bookings

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We have been working with Norgesbooking since the start of 2017 and it has been just over 2 months since we have gone live with their new website and booking engine. They are a superb cabin rental business based in Norway, which now offers a unique concept of choosing a cabin by activity, location, or both. This means, if you want to find a cabin perfect for cross country skiing in a certain location, you can!


Identifying that Norgesbooking wanted to achieve getting more reservations in the long run and turn around a gradual decline in website traffic over time, we have worked on delivering a project including web-development and digital marketing.


Project: Web-design & Web-development 

First things first, with the concept built around their business, we helped them create a memorable phrase: ‘’find your perfect cabin by location or activity in Norway’’. It is informative and clear, telling people what they have to offer and gives guidance - very direct to be fair. In addition we picked areas where they could differentiate – choosing a cabin by location or activity, being fully transparent on the good and bad elements of a cabin and that they are the only Norwegian owned agency renting owners cabins.


From research carried out in order to understand the culture of the company and its background, we carried out research and found that design, colours and all things visually are important for Norwegians. We incorporated the key colours of white, red and blue through-out the website, which are symbolic colours of Norway. We also used careful spacing, less words and a very minimalist clean design. By incorporating the Elina PMS booking engine within the website, this helped Norgesbooking to showcase their cabins and key information, making comparing easier and quicker. List pages were also created, highlighting what cabins are suitable for bookers according to their activity and location preferences.


Project: Digital Marketing

The aim here was encourage people to make more reservations, by driving force and bringing in traffic through digital marketing. We did for this for Norgesbooking by creating social media posts for their Facebook page (which they have received an increase of bookings through there), measuring Google performance in regards to SEO set up, keyword planning and Google Ads testing. PPC management was an important part of digital marketing for Norgesbooking generating paid traffic through Google & Bing. We completed thorough research on popular key terms searched in Norway: 'cabins to rent’ and ‘mountain cabins to rent’, where we followed and carried out google recommendations to improve. In addition, we delivered creative content writing for their destinations page, explaining in depth about the locations, and nearby cabins and activities in that area, as the information of the booking engine was very limited.


Impact results:

  • Average page loading time has reduced over 45%
  • Conversion rate has gone up since last 6 months by 76% for paid transactions
  • Completed leads / enquiries from prospective guests up 36% year on year


What’s next?

We have and are working on big plans with Norgesbooking on digital marketing - watch this space! It’s a brilliant brand with a fantastic team and we are excited about getting more people to become guests.


Do not forget to download the full digital marketing case study for Norgesbooking to read the full story!