Top 10 Things Hotels Want When Picking a Property Management System

A property management system (PMS) is a central and crucial tool for hotels to manage their operations effectively. When choosing a PMS, hotels consider various factors that meet their specific needs and goals. In this elina blog article, we will highlight the top 10 things hotels want when picking a property management system.

Ease of Use
Hotels want a PMS that is easy to use and navigate. The system should have an intuitive interface that enables hotel staff to perform tasks quickly and efficiently. A user-friendly PMS can help reduce training time and ensure that staff members can perform their duties with minimal errors.

Cloud-Based System
Hotels prefer a cloud-based PMS that allows for remote access and real-time updates. Cloud-based systems provide greater flexibility and scalability, enabling hotels to manage their operations from anywhere with an internet connection. Additionally, cloud-based PMS eliminates the need for expensive hardware and software installations and reduces IT costs.

Integration with Third-Party Systems
Hotels want a PMS that can integrate with other systems, such as accounting software, revenue management tools, door access, marketing tools and OTA channels. Seamless integration enables hotels to automate processes and avoid manual data entry, reducing errors and saving time. It is not just about what integrations, but how the PMS is integrated, and whether the integration cuts out manual work in two systems.

Customisable Features
Hotels require a PMS that can be customised to their specific needs and requirements. Customisable features enable hotels to tailor the system to their operations and preferences, providing greater flexibility and control over their business. This can be managed through settings and taking time to pick the right custom tools and settings, allows the system to fit your processes and needs.

Reporting and Analytics
Hotels want a PMS that can generate detailed reports and analytics on various aspects of their operations. Analytics can help hotels make data-driven decisions and improve their business performance. Reports can provide insights into occupancy rates, revenue, and guest preferences, enabling hotels to make informed decisions and improve their services.

Channel Management
Hotels want a PMS that can manage distribution channels effectively. Channel management allows hotels to update their availability and rates across multiple online booking platforms, such as Expedia,, and Airbnb. Effective channel management can help hotels increase their online visibility and bookings while reducing the risk of overbooking.

Mobile Functionality
Hotels prefer a PMS that has mobile functionality, enabling staff to manage operations and access guest data from their smartphones or tablets. Mobile access allows staff to stay connected and respond to guest requests promptly, improving guest satisfaction.

Security Features
Hotels require a PMS with robust security features that protect guest data and prevent fraud. The system should have secure logins, data encryption, and user access controls to ensure that only authorised personnel can access sensitive information. PMS that does not charge per user encourages better data policy, by enabling hotels to cost effectively have as many users as needed.

Technical Support
Hotels require technical support from their PMS provider to ensure that the system runs smoothly and any issues are resolved promptly. The provider should offer reliable and responsive support, with a dedicated support team available 24/7. Technical support can also extend to good communication on up-time, and status of any technical issues.

Hotels want a PMS that offers value for money and meets their budget requirements. The system should have a transparent pricing model, with no hidden fees or charges. Additionally, the PMS should provide a positive return on investment by increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving guest satisfaction.

In summary, the top 10 things hotels want when picking a property management system is a common sense list, but remembering these elements when choosing a PMS will help a lot. A PMS that is easy to use, cloud-based, customisable, integrates with third-party systems, provides reporting and analytics, effective channel management, mobile functionality, security features, reliable technical support, and cost-effectiveness can help hotels manage their operations effectively and achieve their business goals.